Friday, September 3, 2010


Pornography is immoral in the society. It portrays women in a bad light. Pornography serves as stimulation to many for sex, but I feel that it is morally incorrect. Pornography can be classified into many different forms. Porn may provide as an excitement to many, but it might make people feel disgusted by it too. Porn is mainly for males and many of this illustrates women as a sex object to man. However, women are not sex objects that you can use and dispose off as and when you like, but what exactly is the purpose of porn?

While many have argued on this controversial topic, I take my stand that pornography is morally incorrect. Though many have said that porn is a good thing for it provides a platform for those that have sexual desires and they use it to curb it, but I do not feel that is the case. Even if they need a platform to curb their sexual desires, one cannot deny the fact that porn is still portrays women in a bad light. It is still a platform where women are treated like sex toys and I feel that that should not be the case about women for it degrades them.

In addition to the fact that porn degrades women, it also influences the minds of many. In one edition of 'Crime Watch', they talked about an incident, where a teenager molested a girl, in other words, outrage the modesty of another. What caused him to perform such an 'act' when he was fully aware of the consequences of molest? It was because his friend influenced him to watch porn. After watching porn, he started to have an addiction for porn and he let his thoughts run wild. That caused him to have a criminal record. That caused him to commit a serious mistake that he cannot salvage anymore.

Therefore, I feel that pornography is not something that is good, as it degrades women. Furthermore, it also causes significant damage for those that intoxicates themselves with porn. It's a bane to society.

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