Friday, September 3, 2010

Jacques Rogge: YOG is a resounding success!

The debate between whether the YOG was a success or a MAJOR FLOP is still on debate. The people of Singapore expected the PAP to announce that the YOG was a 'resounding success' despite the actual outcome but none actually expected, the President of the IOC of all people, to come out and proclaim that the YOG has been successful and would be a resounding success.

The main opposition of this motion is the PEOPLE of Singapore themselves, and I truly agree with some of the points made. The case of a mass food poisoning outbreak, the roof canvas falling, the food the volunteers were served - these just contributed the reasons why the YOG was a flop. People also feel that Vivian Balakrishnan, Minister of Youth and Sports, failed to do a good job. The budget set exceeded by a large margin and hence Singaporeans are angry as they are the ones paying the taxes, they are the ones paying for this YOG. Therefore, it can be argued that the YOG was a flop.

However, the YOG can also be considered a success. The competitors were allowed to mingle and make friends with each other, forging friendly international ties. The competitors were also able to take part in mixed events across the different countries taking part. The ability to face off with opponents of HIGH standards was also presence as the level of competition was high. The purpose of giving the youths the exposure and experience they need to compete on the world stage was also met. Therefore, it can also be concluded that the YOG was a success.

In conclusion, this debate of whether the YOG was a success or flop will continue for a while more. However, we should know in our hearts whether it was a success or not. (For me, it was a success)

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