Friday, September 3, 2010

Is there a need for tuition so early?

This article is on students, particularly foreign students, are attending tuition classes at a much younger age, as early as one and a half years old. Is there actually a need to start so young? Maybe there is with the competitiveness of the market in recent times, where people are seemingly at war for an office post where results is all that matters. However, excessive tuition at a young age might lead to students being more rebellious in the future. If they start from young, they will enjoy the lessons at first but as it gets tougher and tougher, the students will dread these lessons and forcing them to attend tuition will only backfire. Yes, some things are meant to be started young and a basic education at a young age is definitely needed. However, if you are already sending your toddler to preschool, is there actually a need to add on to the burden of such a young child? This really says something about the 'kiasu' nature of Singaporeans. Nevertheless, we must notice that many foreigners are also attending tuition in Singapore. Singapore has supposedly one of the better education systems in the world and it is no surprise that foreigners from countries like China and India coming here to improve upon their languages. These foreigners make up to 15% of the tuition population. This will cause a smaller talent pool from Singapore, leaving the country to rely on foreign talents to make up for the small talent pool in Singapore.

Hence, we must understand that tuition should not be started too early and that foreigners might actually push out our future generations. Therefore, the future generations and the current one should buck up and strive to show the foreigners who's boss! :D

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