Friday, September 3, 2010

Corporal Punishment

Corporal punishment is basically physical punishment. Any form of punishment, which uses physical damage to punish anyone. In Singapore, corporal punishment in schools is illegal, but how many children are at the receiving end of caning, or rather, disciplined by through caning? I believe that parents, no matter how naughty their children are, should not cane children.

Corporal punishment is too violent a punishment for children. When being punished physically, they do not feel like they are in the wrong. Through caning, my parents feel that caning will be a good reminder for the child, who will get hurt through the process and will try not to do it again. However, is that the case?

Every teenager these days have their own ideas, what they want to do and what they feel is correct. When parents cane their children, most of them do not change for the better. Instead, they become more and more rebellious. Caning hurts the child, and they will fell they did nothing wrong as they do what they feel is correct. Since they feel they are correct, caning a child will make them feel that their parents are accusing them of doing something they think is right. Hence, is caning really the best solution to punish your child?

Caning is definitely not the best way to solve the behavioural problems of children. Caning does leave a lasting impression of the children, but it does not leave a positive effect on the child at the receiving end of corporal punishment. They do not learn. However, in the article, I do not believe that grounding and removing privileges will help either. Indeed that grounding and removing the privileges of your child does make them behave as they want those privileges, but they will also become rebellious as they feel their parents are still controlling their lives.

In conclusion, caning is definitely not a way to go as a method of disciplining your children, and grounding your child might be the best way you can do it now. However, is there really a perfect solution to discipline a child?

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