Corporal punishment is basically physical punishment. Any form of punishment, which uses physical damage to punish anyone. In Singapore, corporal punishment in schools is illegal, but how many children are at the receiving end of caning, or rather, disciplined by through caning? I believe that parents, no matter how naughty their children are, should not cane children.
Corporal punishment is too violent a punishment for children. When being punished physically, they do not feel like they are in the wrong. Through caning, my parents feel that caning will be a good reminder for the child, who will get hurt through the process and will try not to do it again. However, is that the case?
Every teenager these days have their own ideas, what they want to do and what they feel is correct. When parents cane their children, most of them do not change for the better. Instead, they become more and more rebellious. Caning hurts the child, and they will fell they did nothing wrong as they do what they feel is correct. Since they feel they are correct, caning a child will make them feel that their parents are accusing them of doing something they think is right. Hence, is caning really the best solution to punish your child?
Caning is definitely not the best way to solve the behavioural problems of children. Caning does leave a lasting impression of the children, but it does not leave a positive effect on the child at the receiving end of corporal punishment. They do not learn. However, in the article, I do not believe that grounding and removing privileges will help either. Indeed that grounding and removing the privileges of your child does make them behave as they want those privileges, but they will also become rebellious as they feel their parents are still controlling their lives.
In conclusion, caning is definitely not a way to go as a method of disciplining your children, and grounding your child might be the best way you can do it now. However, is there really a perfect solution to discipline a child?
Friday, September 3, 2010
Pornography is immoral in the society. It portrays women in a bad light. Pornography serves as stimulation to many for sex, but I feel that it is morally incorrect. Pornography can be classified into many different forms. Porn may provide as an excitement to many, but it might make people feel disgusted by it too. Porn is mainly for males and many of this illustrates women as a sex object to man. However, women are not sex objects that you can use and dispose off as and when you like, but what exactly is the purpose of porn?
While many have argued on this controversial topic, I take my stand that pornography is morally incorrect. Though many have said that porn is a good thing for it provides a platform for those that have sexual desires and they use it to curb it, but I do not feel that is the case. Even if they need a platform to curb their sexual desires, one cannot deny the fact that porn is still portrays women in a bad light. It is still a platform where women are treated like sex toys and I feel that that should not be the case about women for it degrades them.
In addition to the fact that porn degrades women, it also influences the minds of many. In one edition of 'Crime Watch', they talked about an incident, where a teenager molested a girl, in other words, outrage the modesty of another. What caused him to perform such an 'act' when he was fully aware of the consequences of molest? It was because his friend influenced him to watch porn. After watching porn, he started to have an addiction for porn and he let his thoughts run wild. That caused him to have a criminal record. That caused him to commit a serious mistake that he cannot salvage anymore.
Therefore, I feel that pornography is not something that is good, as it degrades women. Furthermore, it also causes significant damage for those that intoxicates themselves with porn. It's a bane to society.
Pornography is immoral in the society. It portrays women in a bad light. Pornography serves as stimulation to many for sex, but I feel that it is morally incorrect. Pornography can be classified into many different forms. Porn may provide as an excitement to many, but it might make people feel disgusted by it too. Porn is mainly for males and many of this illustrates women as a sex object to man. However, women are not sex objects that you can use and dispose off as and when you like, but what exactly is the purpose of porn?
While many have argued on this controversial topic, I take my stand that pornography is morally incorrect. Though many have said that porn is a good thing for it provides a platform for those that have sexual desires and they use it to curb it, but I do not feel that is the case. Even if they need a platform to curb their sexual desires, one cannot deny the fact that porn is still portrays women in a bad light. It is still a platform where women are treated like sex toys and I feel that that should not be the case about women for it degrades them.
In addition to the fact that porn degrades women, it also influences the minds of many. In one edition of 'Crime Watch', they talked about an incident, where a teenager molested a girl, in other words, outrage the modesty of another. What caused him to perform such an 'act' when he was fully aware of the consequences of molest? It was because his friend influenced him to watch porn. After watching porn, he started to have an addiction for porn and he let his thoughts run wild. That caused him to have a criminal record. That caused him to commit a serious mistake that he cannot salvage anymore.
Therefore, I feel that pornography is not something that is good, as it degrades women. Furthermore, it also causes significant damage for those that intoxicates themselves with porn. It's a bane to society.
Is there a need for tuition so early?
This article is on students, particularly foreign students, are attending tuition classes at a much younger age, as early as one and a half years old. Is there actually a need to start so young? Maybe there is with the competitiveness of the market in recent times, where people are seemingly at war for an office post where results is all that matters. However, excessive tuition at a young age might lead to students being more rebellious in the future. If they start from young, they will enjoy the lessons at first but as it gets tougher and tougher, the students will dread these lessons and forcing them to attend tuition will only backfire. Yes, some things are meant to be started young and a basic education at a young age is definitely needed. However, if you are already sending your toddler to preschool, is there actually a need to add on to the burden of such a young child? This really says something about the 'kiasu' nature of Singaporeans. Nevertheless, we must notice that many foreigners are also attending tuition in Singapore. Singapore has supposedly one of the better education systems in the world and it is no surprise that foreigners from countries like China and India coming here to improve upon their languages. These foreigners make up to 15% of the tuition population. This will cause a smaller talent pool from Singapore, leaving the country to rely on foreign talents to make up for the small talent pool in Singapore.
Hence, we must understand that tuition should not be started too early and that foreigners might actually push out our future generations. Therefore, the future generations and the current one should buck up and strive to show the foreigners who's boss! :D
This article is on students, particularly foreign students, are attending tuition classes at a much younger age, as early as one and a half years old. Is there actually a need to start so young? Maybe there is with the competitiveness of the market in recent times, where people are seemingly at war for an office post where results is all that matters. However, excessive tuition at a young age might lead to students being more rebellious in the future. If they start from young, they will enjoy the lessons at first but as it gets tougher and tougher, the students will dread these lessons and forcing them to attend tuition will only backfire. Yes, some things are meant to be started young and a basic education at a young age is definitely needed. However, if you are already sending your toddler to preschool, is there actually a need to add on to the burden of such a young child? This really says something about the 'kiasu' nature of Singaporeans. Nevertheless, we must notice that many foreigners are also attending tuition in Singapore. Singapore has supposedly one of the better education systems in the world and it is no surprise that foreigners from countries like China and India coming here to improve upon their languages. These foreigners make up to 15% of the tuition population. This will cause a smaller talent pool from Singapore, leaving the country to rely on foreign talents to make up for the small talent pool in Singapore.
Hence, we must understand that tuition should not be started too early and that foreigners might actually push out our future generations. Therefore, the future generations and the current one should buck up and strive to show the foreigners who's boss! :D
Jacques Rogge: YOG is a resounding success!
The debate between whether the YOG was a success or a MAJOR FLOP is still on debate. The people of Singapore expected the PAP to announce that the YOG was a 'resounding success' despite the actual outcome but none actually expected, the President of the IOC of all people, to come out and proclaim that the YOG has been successful and would be a resounding success.
The main opposition of this motion is the PEOPLE of Singapore themselves, and I truly agree with some of the points made. The case of a mass food poisoning outbreak, the roof canvas falling, the food the volunteers were served - these just contributed the reasons why the YOG was a flop. People also feel that Vivian Balakrishnan, Minister of Youth and Sports, failed to do a good job. The budget set exceeded by a large margin and hence Singaporeans are angry as they are the ones paying the taxes, they are the ones paying for this YOG. Therefore, it can be argued that the YOG was a flop.
However, the YOG can also be considered a success. The competitors were allowed to mingle and make friends with each other, forging friendly international ties. The competitors were also able to take part in mixed events across the different countries taking part. The ability to face off with opponents of HIGH standards was also presence as the level of competition was high. The purpose of giving the youths the exposure and experience they need to compete on the world stage was also met. Therefore, it can also be concluded that the YOG was a success.
In conclusion, this debate of whether the YOG was a success or flop will continue for a while more. However, we should know in our hearts whether it was a success or not. (For me, it was a success)
The debate between whether the YOG was a success or a MAJOR FLOP is still on debate. The people of Singapore expected the PAP to announce that the YOG was a 'resounding success' despite the actual outcome but none actually expected, the President of the IOC of all people, to come out and proclaim that the YOG has been successful and would be a resounding success.
The main opposition of this motion is the PEOPLE of Singapore themselves, and I truly agree with some of the points made. The case of a mass food poisoning outbreak, the roof canvas falling, the food the volunteers were served - these just contributed the reasons why the YOG was a flop. People also feel that Vivian Balakrishnan, Minister of Youth and Sports, failed to do a good job. The budget set exceeded by a large margin and hence Singaporeans are angry as they are the ones paying the taxes, they are the ones paying for this YOG. Therefore, it can be argued that the YOG was a flop.
However, the YOG can also be considered a success. The competitors were allowed to mingle and make friends with each other, forging friendly international ties. The competitors were also able to take part in mixed events across the different countries taking part. The ability to face off with opponents of HIGH standards was also presence as the level of competition was high. The purpose of giving the youths the exposure and experience they need to compete on the world stage was also met. Therefore, it can also be concluded that the YOG was a success.
In conclusion, this debate of whether the YOG was a success or flop will continue for a while more. However, we should know in our hearts whether it was a success or not. (For me, it was a success)
Rainer Ng - Amazing Race!
This article review is on Singapore's first Youth Olympic Games medallist. Rainer Ng did all Singaporeans proud by clinching the silver medal in the 50m backstroke event. He was never a favourite for a medal and produced one of the races of his lifetime to get into the finals. Coming into the finals, all Singaporeans were expectant. They knew that something amazing was going to happen. Singaporeans, knowing he was not a favourite, cheered him on and he nearly won the final, going neck and neck with the eventual winner before finally bowing out. Another spectacular race from Rainer secured the first medal and silver for Singapore.
Personally, my feeling after hearing about this was shock. I didn't expect Rainer to even challenge for a medal and he really did more than us Singaporeans can ask for. His position as an underdog did not undermine his determination to fight for Singapore's first medal. Producing an amazing race, I was awestruck at the passion, the vigour and the determination. Pride was evident in his very face but there would definitely be a tinge of disappointment at not pushing his limits more and challenge for the gold. However, as Singaporeans we should all congratulate Rainer on a job well done. Excellent stuff and we can see the future of Singapore in the swimming circuit.
This article review is on Singapore's first Youth Olympic Games medallist. Rainer Ng did all Singaporeans proud by clinching the silver medal in the 50m backstroke event. He was never a favourite for a medal and produced one of the races of his lifetime to get into the finals. Coming into the finals, all Singaporeans were expectant. They knew that something amazing was going to happen. Singaporeans, knowing he was not a favourite, cheered him on and he nearly won the final, going neck and neck with the eventual winner before finally bowing out. Another spectacular race from Rainer secured the first medal and silver for Singapore.
Personally, my feeling after hearing about this was shock. I didn't expect Rainer to even challenge for a medal and he really did more than us Singaporeans can ask for. His position as an underdog did not undermine his determination to fight for Singapore's first medal. Producing an amazing race, I was awestruck at the passion, the vigour and the determination. Pride was evident in his very face but there would definitely be a tinge of disappointment at not pushing his limits more and challenge for the gold. However, as Singaporeans we should all congratulate Rainer on a job well done. Excellent stuff and we can see the future of Singapore in the swimming circuit.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Darren stumbles
This will be a review of this article on gold medal hope Darren Choy.
Darren Choy failed to deliver the gold medal for Singapore in the YOG. He failed to tame the ever-changing weather conditions in Singapore and succumbed to the immense expectations placed on his shoulders. However, you must agree that this boy has done his best to fight for Singapore, to challenge his opponents, and he did do Singapore proud, winner or not. Darren is only 16 years old, and though he is a two-time World Champion, the pressure and expectations this time was much greater than before. Even when the home crowd expects so much, Darren placed even more pressure on himself to make himself push for the elusive gold medal. He knows what he is capable of and he wants to do it, showing maturity. There are definitely times when even a champion may falter. However, there might be many reasons why Darren lost.
One of the many reasons would definitely be the immense expectation from the home crowd. Being a two-time World Champion, Singaporeans all over the island were expecting him to be the one that will bring back the gold. He knows that people were expectant but he had already put huge pressure on himself and eventually, the pressure must have been too much. He couldn't respond to the pressure and cracked under it, therefore, disappointing during the races. Another of the reasons could be that him being a two-time world champion, and being a Singapore representative, the media would definitely give him plenty of airtime. The article states that during the second race, he had media boats surrounding him, providing him with unwanted distractions. Not reacting well to the sudden publicity, Darren failed to get used to it and eventually didn't do too well for the races.
This is a timely reminder for all Singaporeans. Even when the players were adults, for example the table tennis team, the weight placed on the players' shoulders were massive. Furthermore, Darren and his peers are just teenagers. They might not be able to withstand the pressure, hence we must acknowledge that we can put pressure but excessive is bad and we should really congratulate Darren for a valiant effort.
This will be a review of this article on gold medal hope Darren Choy.
Darren Choy failed to deliver the gold medal for Singapore in the YOG. He failed to tame the ever-changing weather conditions in Singapore and succumbed to the immense expectations placed on his shoulders. However, you must agree that this boy has done his best to fight for Singapore, to challenge his opponents, and he did do Singapore proud, winner or not. Darren is only 16 years old, and though he is a two-time World Champion, the pressure and expectations this time was much greater than before. Even when the home crowd expects so much, Darren placed even more pressure on himself to make himself push for the elusive gold medal. He knows what he is capable of and he wants to do it, showing maturity. There are definitely times when even a champion may falter. However, there might be many reasons why Darren lost.
One of the many reasons would definitely be the immense expectation from the home crowd. Being a two-time World Champion, Singaporeans all over the island were expecting him to be the one that will bring back the gold. He knows that people were expectant but he had already put huge pressure on himself and eventually, the pressure must have been too much. He couldn't respond to the pressure and cracked under it, therefore, disappointing during the races. Another of the reasons could be that him being a two-time world champion, and being a Singapore representative, the media would definitely give him plenty of airtime. The article states that during the second race, he had media boats surrounding him, providing him with unwanted distractions. Not reacting well to the sudden publicity, Darren failed to get used to it and eventually didn't do too well for the races.
This is a timely reminder for all Singaporeans. Even when the players were adults, for example the table tennis team, the weight placed on the players' shoulders were massive. Furthermore, Darren and his peers are just teenagers. They might not be able to withstand the pressure, hence we must acknowledge that we can put pressure but excessive is bad and we should really congratulate Darren for a valiant effort.
Harry Potter Series Final Review

It is HERE! The final review of the Harry Potter Series T.T
I pre-booked the book (cool) before the release and I was glad that it was MONEY WELL SPENT.
For this novel, I will try not to review too much so that I won't spoil the thrill of reading it. This review will be a summary of the book and my take on the WHOLE series.
As we enter the 7th year of the Harry Potter chronicles, Voldemort has finally wrest control of the Ministry of Magic and completed his rise to power. Harry and his friends drop out of school to hunt for the Horcruxes. They isolate themselves from their family and friends so that they will not bring them any harm. However, they only know amongst the remaining Horcruxes that they are the locket of Slytherin, the cup of Hufflepuff and the snake familiar of Voldemort. The remaining are presumed to be an object belonging to Rowena Ravenclaw or Godric Gryffindor. The locations of the artefacts are unknown by the trio and that Nagini is supposedly at Voldemort's side. As the trio searches for the Horcruxes, they learn the truth about Snape's motives and Dumbledore's past.
The trio successfully retrieves the locket of Salazar Slytherin when the infiltrate the Ministry of Magic. They somehow manage to retrieve the Sword of Godric Gryffindor, through a stroke of good luck. The third Horcrux is successfully recovered and destroyed. Through their travels, they discover a sign which they learn symbolises the Deathly Hallows. The three Hallows are the Elder Wand, wanted by Voldemort, the Stone of Resurrection and the Cloak of Invisibility. However, the trio decides that the Elder Wand is not important now and that they should divert their attention towards their search for the Horcruxes. They recover the cup of Helga Hufflepuff when they break into Bellatrix Lestrange's vault in Gringotts (wizard bank). They then discover that another Horcrux is hidden within Hogwarts. They enter the school and manages to locate and destroy both. The cup of Hufflepuff and the diadem of Ravenclaw.
This is the prelude to the most exciting part of the novel. THE BATTLE OF HOGWARTS! Students and wizards alike join forces to defend Hogwarts from Voldemort and his army of Death Eaters and magical creatures. Many major characters are killed in the first wave of attack. Harry finds out that a fragment of Voldemort's soul is within him, from when Voldemort tried to kill him when he was a child. He has to die to destroy Voldemort and willingly surrenders himself to Voldemort. Voldemort attacks Harry with the Killing Curse and Harry is sent to a state of Limbo, where he sees Dumbledore. Dumbledore explains that since Voldemort used Harry's blood to gain his full strength, Harry has a protection like no other. Regardless of what Voldemort throws at Harry, it will be useless on Harry. Harry returns to his body where he duels Voldemort for the final time. Voldemort has possension of the 'Elder Wand' and he thinks that he is the full master of it. However, Harry knows that he was actually the full master (Read the book to understand) and when both parties launch into a curse, Voldemort's curse rebounds as Harry has the Elder Wand and Voldemort is finally dead.
There is an epilogue at the end of the book but that part is not so important.
Here is my take on the series. THIS SERIES IS A MUST-READ FOR ALL FANTASY FANS. PERIOD. The series was what started my love for reading and I have read the books over and over and over without feeling bored. I know that some devout Christians are unable to read this due to religious views and I pity you for your loss. Therefore, read the books as soon as you can and you will never regret it.
This is the end of the review of the Harry Potter series. Hope you enjoyed the many words.
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