Hi guys I'm back.
This will be the second edition of the book review on the Harry Potter series. Well, from my previous post, the first two books have been briefly summarised. Just a basic recap. Harry found out he was a wizard. He saw Voldemort. They fight. Harry wins. The end. Okay, now onto the third book. Some say that this book was the most boring book in the series. You shall be the judge of that in due time. In this book, a new character is introduced and his name is Sirius Black. Black is supposedly a Dark wizard that murdered 13 wizards with one spell. However, this is all just a facade. Not to spoil it now, lets dive into the magical world of Harry Potter.
The third book is the only book in the whole series that does NOT feature Lord Voldemort. This is the third year Harry is in the magical world and he is loving it. However, he finds out that a mass murderer in Azkaban has escaped and is targeting him (Azkaban is the jail for wizards). This mass murderer is none other than Sirius Black. Black is supposed to have a hand in the deaths of Harry's parents. Harry is obviously angry at Black and swears to get vengeance. However, as Black was a notorious mass murderer, the Ministry of Magic (yes there is one) deploys the guards of Azkaban to locate Black. These foul creatures are called Dementors and the drain the life out of people. Their most dangerous weapon is the Dementor's Kiss where they suck the soul out of a living being. Harry is extremely vulnerable to the Dementors but he seeks help from the new DATDA (Defence Against the Dark Arts) teacher, Remus Lupin, on how to overcome this troubling matter. Now to cut the long story short, Harry finds out that Sirius was not the actual traitor and that another close friend of Harry's parents, Peter Pettigrew, maligned Black and was the real murderer of the 12 people (He was thought to have been killed by Black). Black and Lupin collaborates to take down Pettigrew once they find him. However, as they were about to kill him, Harry stops them from tainting their clean hands. He suggests taking Pettigrew back to the castle to clear Black's name. However, on the way back to the castle, disaster strikes. A full moon appeared and Lupin transformed into a werewolf (Harry found out earlier on). Black holds Lupin back but Pettigrew has taken the opportunity to escape. Black ends up getting badly injured and Dementors descend on him to perform the kiss and leave him in a state of neither life or death. As Harry knelt by him, somebody produced a Patronus (Charm used to drive away the Dementors). Harry thinks that it is father who produced the Patronus. Harry faints. Sirius is captured and is held in custody. Harry, in order to save Sirius, travels into the past with Hermione via a Time-Turner. All the scenes that happened before are reenacted and Harry finds out he was the one that actually performed the Patronus. He saves Sirius and happily ever after. I do agree it may be boring but this is necessary as it eventually builds up to the most important scenarios in the series.
Now, moving on. The fourth book has achieved good reviews and this book is definitely more exciting than the previous one. Two new wizarding schools are thrown into the mix as the Hogwarts prepares to host the Triwizard tournament, a dangerous tournament that was once banned. It also introduces a telling character in the form of new DATDA teacher Alastor Moody, aka Mad-Eye Moody. The novel begins with Harry's infamous lightning-shaped scar begins to hurt as he discovers a connection between him and Voldemort. Harry is currently with the Weasleys at the Quidditch (Wizard sport) World Cup where the Death Eaters (Voldemort's underlings) run riot and sends the entire camp into chaos. Harry is lost in the crowd but he sees a strange man shooting something into mid-air. He is attacked by a group of Ministry wizards who suspect him for shooting the Dark Mark (Earlier mentioned, Voldemort's sign). However, he is proved innocent. Nevertheless, this signifies the impending rise of Lord Voldemort once again. Harry returns to Hogwarts where he learns about the Triwizard tournament from Dumbledore. Harry doesn't want to get involved and is sort of relieved to hear that only students aged 17 and above would be able to participate in this tournament and vie for eternal glory. The two other schools arrive at the scene and the Goblet of Fire is unveiled, signalling the start of the tournament. One student of each school would be chosen to fight and take on this arduous quest. Eventually, the three chosen ones were Viktor Krum representing Durmstrang, Fleur Delacour representing Beauxbatons and Cedric Diggory from Hogwarts. However, we all know that the story cannot continue without Harry being involved and the Chosen One, his nickname, is thrown into the mix and has to complete as once chosen, you cannot back out. Therefore, Harry has no choice but to compete in the tournament. There will be three tasks to be completed and all completes it with relative ease. However, after the second task, the overall-in-charge of this tournament Bartemius Crouch is found dead. Something is wrong and there is an enemy within the ranks of the wizards in Hogwarts. The last and final task is a maze and Harry and Cedric makes it to the cup together. However, upon touching the Cup, they are teleported into the scene of Harry's recent nightmares (I mentioned that Harry's scar was hurting). It was the graveyard where Voldemort's father was buried. Cedric was killed by Pettigrew immediately and Harry is caught. There is a cauldron where Pettigrew starts performing a ritual and chanting and incantation. The potion in the cauldron is ready and Voldemort rises from the cauldron reborn. He calls forth the Death Eaters and he tortures them for not searching for him. Voldemort challenges Harry to a duel and through some bizarre occurrence, their spells connect. Harry reaches for Cedric's body and grabs the Cup, teleporting him back to Hogwarts. This is where they found out Mad-Eye was a fraud and that he was a Death Eater in disguise. Dumbledore now knows that the Dark Lord or Voldemort has rised again. The story ends with a toast to Hagrid and the students heading back to their respective homes.
Well, this is the third and fourth book of the series and I hope you are ready for more.
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